Germplasm preparation and three-phase cloning
Germplasm is considered as initial material in the process of clone mutliplication and also serves as a genetic and sanitary repository for clones. The requirements for germplasm are higher in the phases following pre‑multiplication. In PLANSEL’s case, germplasm was prepared on top of a hill in Montemor on virgin soil, isolated from viticultural crops and grapevine virus vectors. All V. vinifera plant material was grafted on rootstocks of the same category
- 1994‑2000 Introduction of certified propagation material into Portugal, KfW (Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau, EC Council Directive 1963/68)
- 2002: AGRO 3 – The pre‑propagation of certified grapevine material Project participants: University of Évora, Centre for Applied Mathematics, FCT/UNL, EAN Oeiras (Plant Protection Department)